Apollo 13 - Full mission 36 - Charging the Batteries

Charging of the CM batteries. Discussions about the re-entry profile and checklist

Apollo 13 - Full mission 37 - Discussions about the re-entry profile and checklist

The crew's continual reporting of battery charging and discussions about re-entry checklist availability.

Apollo 13 - Full mission 38 - Is It Snowing in the Command Module?

Discussion on the upcoming events and timelines, including the SM/LM Jettison, how to take the pictures of the SM, what needed to be stored in the CM to counter balance the weight of the craft.

Apollo 13 - Full mission 39 - The Checklist - Part 1

The reading up of the SM Jettison/LM jettison procedures and the entry checklist.

Apollo 13 - Full mission 40 - The Checklist - Part 2

The reading up of the SM Jettison/LM jettison procedures and the entry checklist.

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